Thursday, April 1, 2010

Library news

I, like any country-loving American, works.
And, like any good, well-raised and good mannered girl that I am work at the library.
Last night, at the library, I came in to work the late shift, a little unhappy about not being able to sleep or chill at home in my own abode. Here, I sat and took questions and read Chelsea Handler's latest book. Well, after a student came by, asked for a pencil to borrow, I said sure. As I was rifling through desks and nooks and crannies for a pencil (who doesn't bring a pencil to the library), I came across a veritable cranny of booty. I came across such deep treasures anyone of distinguished taste would dream about....mints and hand sanitizer. All free.
One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is deals and things that are free. It's better than sex. Getting things for free is better than theme parks, medicines, any high I've ever heard of and almost better than eating.
The point is: I found smelly-good hand sanitizer (I love hand sanitizing and am currently addicted to the act therein of sanitizing these hands) and mints. Well, I had seen the mints before (had one then) and yet many weeks later the mints remained. Well, I opened up this treasure trove and found three to four mints (my mathematical skills goes right out the window anytime I come across free shit). So....what did I do?
I ate a mint.
an hour passes.....
ate another mint.
another hour or maybe it wasn't even half an hour and I was craving the free minty glory.
So, I popped another into my mouth. Deal.
Then, there was only one left...and since I am a firm believer in not being silly and keeping a mint like that (free!) all by its lonesome. I popped it into my mouth and Kobe'd the Altoid box into the trash. Man, I felt good. Real good.
Too good.
Come into work the next day, refreshed (which wasn't a coincidence, to had something to do with those mints) and a supervisor came up to me and said, "Hey....did you eat so-and-so's mints....I know you worked last night...."
Me: "Uhhhhhhh. Mints were there.....they might have been eaten. What's the low-down?"
"So-and-so's looking for them."--Super
Moral of the story: I had to make an extra trip to the local grocery to pay for a whole box to reimburse so-and-so for the three to four mints I had rescued from prison/the Altoid box.

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