Thursday, August 19, 2010

One among us

I was walking (in circles) around downtown Chicago trying to find an entrance to get on board the brown line after an interview this morning that did not go well. By the Washington and Wells stop, a homeless man wielding a cup o' coins said, "got change?" I told him that "I barely have my head on straight, much less spare change" then proceeded to wait until the light turned red so I could safely cross the street. While still waiting, he asked me again, "Got the time?" To which I then said, "Nope. We're Oh for two." This is probably why I don't have a job, no sweet Rolex and no spare change for the needy. I am the needy.
(Where was he heading? Is he is homeless and jobless, what event was he heading to?)
As I was waiting for the longest light in the history of the world, I realized that if I didn't get a freakin' job, I'd be the one on the side of the street, wondering what time it is, using my thrift store McDonald's recyclable cup. But, when I realized I would have to give up the many thrift store cups I had in my possession and I almost started crying. If it wasn't for my anger at the goddamn invisible train stops, I would have. It is very hard to find the locales to get on and off the train. Very tricky, Chicago Transit Authority.

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