Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stuff White People, like me, Like.

I read this book recently and it gave me an idea for a blogpost:
The Book: Stuff White People Like, which was based on a blog by a funny man.
Here's what is true for me (which may or may not correspond with the book):
1. Ipods. White people can't get enough Apple gear. My bff, Dr. W, we'll call her lost her Ipod and could not live another hour.
Don't get me wrong, I love music when I work out, but not to block out the sounds of oncoming traffic on my way to school. I need both ears to hear the squealing tires I initiated when I crossed the street without looking. Both ears.
2. Farmers' Markets. White people can't get enough of fresh veggies that aren't tainted by the scheming corporate America. This is also related to those reusable grocery bags. Whites love to carry around those bags, chock them full of 2 dollar uber ripe tomatoes and 4 dollar sack o' apples from local growers.
3. Religions their parents don't belong to. I know a lot of kids who converted to Judaism or became Buddhist or Athesist and as it turns out: they are all white and their parents are not those religions. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was because of their neglect and contempt and resentment for their parents' religions. Maybe it was because of their higher education. Maybe it was one to many hits off the old b***.
4. Yoga. This one was also in the book. People go crazy for crossing their legs and doing little to know actual exercise. Sorry folks, it's true. I could do yoga all my sleep....while having three feet of snow. Yoga is too easy and white people love it. LOVE IT.
5. Another thing not on the list is having a show that no one else watches. For me, it's Star Trek, TNG. For others, it's Flight of the Conchords, may it rest in peace. For other groups of people, it's Mad Men (like my roomie). Even more people like to watch The Colbert Report. Some even watch Real Housewives of whatever-rich-place-the producers-came-up-with-this-season. All of the these are white people shows. Some people have a daily talk show they like to watch.
6. Having a strange disease or ailment no one knows about or can fix, yet said white person will continue to talk about ailment for weeks and years to come.
For me, I am lactose intolerant. No cure. No remedy, really. Yet, I still complain about it to anyone with ears....or another ailment they can relate to mine.
7. Drinks.
White people love their drinks.
Tea, chi, green, black, grey, cold, hot.
Weird wine (this is my forte)
Beers, imported, exported, draft, ale, inhaled, exhaled.
Flavored waters
soda *aka pop, aka coke aka sodapop aka sugarwater*
smoothies--why do people even get smoothies. It's really not that much better for you than a it tastes like chalk, when that chalk is rotten. Plus, people always add a shot of immunity boosting supplements. Why? really? Really. Why? Are you not getting enough vitamin c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p and zinc with your veggies from the farmers' market? Stop adding those chalking supplements to your weird combo smoothie. What is with those combos. Orange+strawberry+blueberry=gross.

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