Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You're welcome, Webster Dictionary.

Sometimes, I like to create my own words. Yes, out of thin air. Yes, for no good reason and for no one's benefit except my own.
For instance: jokery. Jokery, meaning the action and sequence of joking around. In a sentence, "No one understands my jokery. I'm just joking and they ain't feeling my jokes."

Also, cynicality: cynicism which can get you into trouble, like a technicality. In a sentence, "My cynicality made me unfavorable with the folks in my Bingo group."

Next, preditated. A lousy joke or punchline which one could smell coming from across the a which, you were the predator, yet being preyed upon, all at the same time. What irony! For instance, in a sentence, "During the sermon, when the church lights came back on, I preditated he was going to say, 'And God said let there be light...'."

Lastly (for now), ignorenda. This is when you ignore someone in hopes of procuring your own agenda. Used in a sentence, "I was so mad at her that I initiated the ignorenda. Hopefully she'll call and apologize tomorrow."

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